
Something that is important to me

My important things are Friendship.
I have many kindly friends who encourage me when I'm in trouble.
School friends, club activity's friends, part-time job's friends and so on.
each of them supports me every time.
Last week, I was scolded by my boss at the part-time job, and I felt down about it,
but, my friend Yu-chan said to me with his smile "I was scolded everytime! don't mind!!"
then, I got easy mind. I thank him.
On the other hand, Helping friends, I also feel pleasure. I'm glad that myfriends become cheerful through my support.
I'm happy to have many good friends, so I will cherish them now and forever☆

1 件のコメント:

satona さんのコメント...

Hi Satomin('∀')ノI'm Moomin.
Having many fiends, you're so happy!When we have some troubles or were depressed,I think friends are really precious.
Cherish your Friends(*´∀`)♪